Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Today I put on my clothes and realized that I only have one pair of shoes that go with these pants. They are these chunky brown boots I have had for about eight years. I don't get rid of them because they are the only shoes that go with my tall pants.
Well when I put them on I noticed that the heals were scrapped up. I told myself I should get a new pair of shoes but Perry would never go for that. So I thought to myself

'What would my dad do?'

So I went and got Anabelle's brown crayola marker and colored the heals. They look a lot better and I didn't spend a dime. One time my dad put two pieces of wood together with a different wood grain. He wanted them to match so he got a marker and made them look the same.
(My dad is very creative and resourceful)
I admit the boots are a little out of style and my sisters don't like them but now that I fixed them, I have to keep them for another 8 years right???


Amy said...

Way to go! Very impressive!

chaffinclan said...

I'm all for keeping well-loved clothing. Of course, you may not want to take fashion advice from someone who has worn the same pair of jeans for the last year. And they're the only pair I own...

natalie said...

Oh you make me laugh. Very creative, here's to another 8 years with out dated boots!

The Marcons said...

Way to be resourceful! Don't worry I patch up my shoes with markers all the time. There's nothing wrong with being cheap!

Analia and Co. said...

That is hilarious!!!

Stiles Family-mostly Kristen said...

You go girl! Very impressed with your handy work!!