Monday, November 3, 2008


Alice and the white rabbit. (notice the clock) They had so much fun trick or treating with Jack and Theo. Anabelle got two buckets full of candy. Way too much for any kid, but me and Perry sure love eating it. Sabrina even caught on to saying trick or treat. Anabelle refused to wear a coat because Alice doesn't wear one and it would ruin her puff sleeves. Thanks to my mom for making the costume and sending it over night! And thanks to Amber for letting us borrow the rabbit costume. Sabrina got to wear it three times and she just loved putting on. She was upset every time I took it off.


jennah said...

Those were the cutest little trick or treaters out there. I'm also enjoying sneaking candy out of my kids bags. They're not even into it anymore, but watch out, I'm pregnant and in the mood for sugar! By the way, you are a genius to put those PJ's on backwards! Never would have thought of it.

Lisa said...

Your Mom always makes the cutest costumes! I remember when Belle was Dorothy. Sabrina is such a cute little girl. She looks just like you Angela. You should be glad she likes to wear them backwards. Halle is going through a phase were she strips down completely and than pees all over her crib. We have started duct taping her diaper and it works.

Stiles Family-mostly Kristen said...

Love it, Love it! These are so great!

Swenson Family said...

Sooo cute. It was so fun to see you guys over Christmas. Your girls are getting so big. And I like Lisa's comment about duct tape- we might try that sometime. :)