Tuesday, December 30, 2008


We are having a wonderful time in Utah! It has been so much fun. But I have been lazy and have been letting everyone else take all the pictures. Last night I finally decided to take my camera with me so I could get some pictures. I packed it in my bag with my wallet, my phone, a diaper, and a sippy cup. Well when we got to the restaurant I went to get it out and found that it was in a puddle of water along with everything else! Everything was saved but the camera of course. It didn't survive the flood. I feel bad because the camera really belongs to my parents. It's their old one but still a good camera. Luckily my brother is going to let us use his old one, which happens to be the same one. (Thanks Brother!)
SO when I get everyones pictures downloaded then you will get to see all the Christmas fun! Until then you will just have to wait in suspence! It's going to kill you I just know it!!!

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