Friday, December 11, 2009

Sabrina's Funny Conversation

Situation: We were eating dinner and Sabrina didn't like what were having, so Perry made her stay on her chair until she ate her food. While she was sitting at the table by herself, not eating anything she said, "mom come here."

I went over and said "what?"

Sabrina: "mom this is dangerous."

me: (thinking what???)

Sabrina: "This is really dangerous!"

Me: "what's dangerous?"

Sabrina: "This food! It's so yucky, it's really yucky."


The Nielsens said...

Sabrina and Sadie sound like they would get along really well, from dinner conversation to the doctor's office. Sadie can be flat our naughty and enjoy it, in the mean time I'm pulling my hair out and wanting to scream! Luci looks like a mix of the other 2 girls. So cute, they're all darling!

Jenni said...

I would have to agree with Sabrina.. I am convinced that all mushrooms are "dangerous"! ;)

Swenson Family said...

LOL. That is great!