Friday, February 20, 2009


After not writing anything for such a long time, we actually have some good news.
We are expecting our third child in October! we are very excited about it. Anabelle desperately wants a brother, Perry would also like a boy. Me, I just want to stop feeling sick to my stomach every single day! I never got sick with the girls so I don't know what to do. I have more sympathy for all of you who get sick with every pregnancy. I don't know how anyone has more than one child after feeling this way. Maybe I am just a big baby.
Our other good news is that we might be getting a house in the next couple of months. We just got the process started yesterday so we won't know for a few weeks. We are so excited to be getting a place of our own. It needs a little TLC, but that's what parents are for right? Lets hope everything works out.
Our last bit of good new is that Anabelle lost her first tooth! On Tuesday it was very loose so she let our friend Terry pull it out. She didn't even flinch. That day we got her a special tooth box. That night the tooth fairy came and left her a dollar.


Annie said...

HOORAY!! Congratulations! If he's a boy, I hope he calls people 'sir' and 'm'am' like Perry does.

Tice said...

Congrats on all your good news! Perhaps you can have the baby on my birthday? Oct 18th is a great day to be born. :)

sorichfamily said...

we are so excited for you! so many fun things happening all at once! i can't believe she let terry pull that out! how brave! and we hope you have a boy too so charlie will have someone to play with! hooray!

Amy said...

Yea for losing teeth and YEA for another baby! Congrats! I sure hope you start feeling better, Angela! We are so excited for you guys!

april said...

congrats on the baby!!!! sorry you are feeling sick. probably not up for cutting my hair this week, huh?

congrats on tooth and the house. where is it? so much good news in this post. i'm sorry it's so late at night or otherwise i would bug you with a phonecall. (lucky you.)

Anonymous said...

Wahoo!!! Congrats Ang! Much love to you all :)

Lisa said...

We are so excited for you guys! I hope you get your little boy! We are having a baby in July. I hope you start feeling better. My morning sickness has gotten worse with each baby. Good Luck with the house hunt. It was fun seeing you over the christmas break.

Stiles Family-mostly Kristen said...

Holy Cow! That is awesome!

williams family said...

Congratulations, we're excited for you guys!

Analia and Co. said...

Congratulations! How exciting! Hope you feel better soon. Where's the house? I hope you are not going far.

Lynn said...

Congratulations on all the good news! We hope that will get the house you want. Although that means you are more likely never to move to the west again, we are glad that you like where you are enough to want to put down roots.

natalie said...

congratulations! I'm so excited for you guys!

KJ said...

Calvin, Calvin, Calvin, Calvin.... Your're still calling him that right?

Abby Bowes said...


Amanda said...

She was so brave letting Terry pull out her tooth! I was so impressed.

We are excited about #3!