Will you please fly over here and take care of me! My house is a disaster, the laundry is piling up and no one has had a decent meal in weeks. I can't stand to cook because everything makes me sick. I would rather lay down than tackle to house work. It's easier to dig through the laundry basket then fold and put it away. I have learned to live with fishy crackers crushed into the carpet. I don't mind the messy bathroom or the sink full of dishes. It is sad that it has come down to this.
Well I feel better now that I got it all out there. So don't panic and come to my rescue. I just needed a moment to have my own pitty party. It's over now, it's all good. But I would like you to fed ex me some cafe rio!
Moms always make things better when you're pregnant and not feeling well. I say to your mom: Come quickly! :) Maybe if we combine our efforts we can get her out here.
Think she'd bring me some Chick Fil A with your Cafe Rio?
Speaking of, I'm amazed you would want Cafe Rio. All I ever wanted was Sprite and Easy Mac.
Let me know if you need me to take your ladies one afternoon. They could chill with me and my kiddies at Kyle's house. My kids would be more than happy to entertain them.
:( Isn't sad how we adapt to our messy living arrangements? I hope your mom took serious pitty and sent you some yummy Cafe Rio. :) You deserve it!
Hate those days/months of early pregnancy.
Hopefully the medicine will help you.
And when you start cooking again think of how happy everyone will be and you'll be a superstar.
glad you haven't lost an appetite for cafe rio - that would be sad. hope you feel better soon. every mom deserves a pity party every once and a while.
Yeah! You're pregnant!! I'm very excited for you guys! You will love having your own place, that will be esp nice with the new addition. I just read your comment on my blog and haven't checked other blogs for a while, yeah having the 2 together has been tricky this week..or lets say a real test of my patience. I keep telling my kids they need to be nice so I don't scream so much because the new baby will be scared to come. Maybe I ought to just take a deep breath and play with them rather than do projects. It will be fun to see if you get a little boy, they are rough and tough but very cuddly and more easy going. Sorry you're sick, I have always been so lucky. If I could I'd come help you and take a break from my list. When will you find out what you're having?? E.
Perry, this is Evan Jones - y'all are east coasters right? We are moving to Tennessee in the next few months. Send me an email (evan.rebecca@gmail.com) or leave a comment on our blog. Are you still with Pratt and Whitney?
Perry, how are you? This is Evan Jones. I thought I remember y'all living out east right? We are moving to Tennesse in the next few months. Are you still with Pratt & Whit? Send me an email (evan.rebecca@gmail.com) or leave a comment on our blog. Peace!
Geepers, Heidi stumbled on your blog and I did not even know you were out there! So, another kid huh, what is this, 4-5, I lost count. Anyhoo...I don't know why everyone is obsessed with Cafe Rio, never ate there but I'm guessing it tastes like most other Mexican food, of course this is coming from a guy who has spent most of his adult life in Las Vegas and Texas where there is plenty of Mexican food that would blow away Cafe Rio. And what is this about wanting your Mom to come save the day, aren't you a mom, can't you save yourself? I am jealous of you living in New England though, we have friends is Vermont and we would gladly trade places. Well...smell ya later. Oops, looks like you have to screen my comment...gee, I hope it makes the cut!
I am soooo glad to hear that I'm not the only young mom that feels like the world is imploding. Sometimes I wish my mom would come and rescue me, too! (I'm not even pregnant, for goodness sake! What's my excuse?) Hang in there!
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