Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Max and "Wubby"

Anabelle and Sabrina were Max and Ruby for Halloween, since they love the show so much. Even though Ruby is the older sister, Sabrina insisted on being "Wubby" (as she says it), so Anabelle being a nice sister, was Max.
Grandma Francom helped make the outfits and sent them to us. When we opened the package, she had also sent a Max and Ruby beanie baby. The girls were so excited. You can see Anabelle's Max in her front pocket in the picture.
They are too cute!


natalie said...

darling! We also like max and ruby... even Emme. Secretly.

Amy said...

Hey Angela, all our blog invites got deleted, so would you mind sending me your email address? wright.amy.m@gmail.com Thanks!

The Nielsens said...

Cute girls! Happy Birthday to you.... (: