6 years old
45 lbs. (50 %)
42 3/4 inches tall (10%)
11 lbs. 6 oz. (60%)
22 3/4 inches (60%)
15 2/4 (75%)
The other day Luci and Anabelle went to the doctors for their check-ups (6 years and 2 months).
Anabelle was very good and so excited that she didn't have to have any shots this time. When she was done, she got a sucker for being so good.
Luci had three shots and a drink. She cried a little but calmed down after the shots were done. We bundled her up like a little burrito (pictured above) and she slept the afternoon away. We also had to bundle her up since the heat was broken, but that's a different story all together.
These two little girls were so good for their check-up, but don't forget that I have not two, but three little girls. Little girl number three, being Sabrina, was not quite as good. When we got into the doctors office, she sat on the floor, took off her socks and shoes, flinging them wherever she wanted. She also opened all the drawer to touch everything in them, pulled out cords on the computer and much much more. Remember how I mentioned Anabelle getting a sucker for being good? Well Sabrina got three sucker, just so she would be quiet.
I can't wait for her check-up in January!
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